Is Path to Build a Smooth Ride?

It could be. The turning, tossing, torturous, and curvey path to construction could be a smooth ride if you are…

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Custom Home Building

You can always buy a home ready to move in, but it will not be custom-built to reflect your Dreams.…

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Custom Building vs Buying the Home

Custom Home Building vs Buying a readymade home begs the question. Where? What is the location of your prospect property?…

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What you Imagine is Real

Picasso is the authority when it comes to imagination. There is no other reality except our imagination. We live in…

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Season your Kitchen with Love

Seasoning is the key to any recipe. The flow of ingredients in your Kitchen from the Refrigerator to the Chopping board to the Sink to the Stove is a beauty. Making that flow smooth by proper kitchen design is seasoning your Kitchen with Love.

Please contact us so we share this Love with You. Silicon Valley Builders (408)-202-6794

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Happy Fourth, Wear the Masks !!!

Happy 4th, the independence day, everyone. As we are commemorating the Declaration of independence of the United States July 4,…

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About $$, Cents & Real Estate

Real estate has been the fastest way of accumulating wealth in the US especially if invested in prime neighborhoods whose business model you know. You need to know the market, who buys it, who sells it, what to buy, how much to buy for, what to build, what not to build, and how to sell.

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Confluence of Lights Water & Fire

Confluence of lights water and fire if proportioned right in your home design gives you an ambiance that makes the…

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The subject of Architecture never stops to amaze me!

If you think the picture of the house above is grand, it is. However, the art of architecture is to create grand out of nothing. Pool and Hot tub in the center, Pool house on the right, 9.2 surround sound Theater, Outdoor BBQ, high heat Wok burner, Pizza oven on the left, and the grand residence in the center is the house we build. Layered and balanced roof-lines arches columns and squares with depth in elevation, it is an exhibit of craftsmanship and design that makes it grand.

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Life is Like a Waterfall

There is an order in the disorder, just like a waterfall, Turbulent, Vibrant, and Smooth at the same time. Putting things orderly is what we call building the home. The order we establish in the art of making a home, reflects our customer’s dreams. Developing a home is science as much as it is an art.

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